5 Ways I Soaked Up Summer
Yoga On and Off the Mat: SUMMER EDIT
A beautiful benefit of yoga is that the practice can be taken off your mat and into your daily life. Not only in keeping your body fluid, flexible and strong to engage in life's activities - but also in mindset, perspective, and self compassion.
As a yoga teacher, you may assume that I “Yoga” daily. Well yes, yes I do! But being home catering to the demands and energies of 3 small people leaves little alone time for an ideal mat practice (without being climbed on or interrupted).
I'll be honest with you - my personal practice of Yoga was 95% OFF the mat this summer! Yes, I did enjoy a class at Morgan Creek by the Big Oak, and squeeked in a continueing ed course and class at my home studio in Minneapolis, but read on to see how I practiced the art of present moment and mind/body/spirit connection in my daily summer routines…
1.) Mindful Movement - Move that body! Just because our Yoga classes are paused for summer doesn't mean we stop moving. I try to stretch and do some gentle movement throughout the day. It's never more than 10-15 minutes at a time but it's mindful and feels GOOD. Walking, yard work, and playing with my girls are all ways my body is getting it's move on.
2.) Play and Imagination - What's sweeter than a summer day tea party, outside with your kitty and the fairies? Admist all the conflict management and chauffering I do as a stay-at-home-summer mom - I soak up being a witness to moments of imaginary play which childhood is all about.
3.) Soak up the MOON - The SUN has been great, but what about that last Super Blue Moon?? We enjoyed a family camping trip to the Black Hills and were gifted with the absolute BEST moon gazing view! What a sweet treat to the yang (sun-active) energy of summer to be able to bathe in the yin (moon- passive) energy in such an epic way.
4.) Purposeful Productivity - Summer provides us longer days and more Yang energy. I'm channeling it into a productive task such as finishing those house projects that will be bring me joy, and writting this newsletter to connect with you. I schedule my work tasks for a time of day when I have the most energy and motivation so I can enjoy play and rest without interrupting thoughts of the to-do list.
5.) Rythym & Rest - Summer days are absolutely and wonderfully EXHAUSTING. It's so important to sustain our SUN energy through intentional rest. Try a mid-day Savasana with an easy restorative pose like Legs up the Wall pose. It's a marathon, not a race! Enjoy your rest stops.