5 Things to Know about Charcoal and Pit Detox
Is it time for a Pit Detox?
It's summer and that means more sweat! Have you switched to an aluminum free deoderant yet? If so, how's your natural deoderant working for you? And if not—why not?
DID YOU KNOW… our body naturally detoxes in only a few ways - our liver cleans our blood, and we release toxins through tears, urination & defication, and SWEAT. So when we physically BLOCK our sweat glands and turn them off with aluminum and anti-persperant, we are blocking a major detox pathway in our body.
Many people's major hang up on switching to a natural deoderant is …."they don't work!" Let me challenge that and suggest a PIT DETOX!
It might be time for a Pit Detox if...
~You are switching from a conventional antiperspereant to an aluminum free deoderant
~If you are switching between brands of natural deoderants
~If your current deoderant has stopped working for you
~If you stink! It's ok, it happens to me about every 6 months - that's why I'm sharing!
1.) The Pit Detox
Use a Charcoal based mask on your pits 3x week or up to daily for one week when switching deorderants or when your deo isn't working for you anymore. Sometimes it's not the product..it's you! You simply need a stink reset! Try this Detox Starter Kit from Kaia Naturals
2.) BONUS use - Bug bites
Your Charcoal Mask can double as a bug bite treatment! It pulls out that itch, dries up the bite, and helps soothe those pesky gnat & squito bites. The bugs are REAL bad right now! My favorite is Beautycounter’s Balancing Charcoal Mask.
3.) Charcoal Bars
Once you've commited to a natural deo and done your pit detox, maintenance is key! Use a charcoal cleansing bar daily or when you shower. It really helps decrease bacteria causing stink and is great for acne prevention also. Try this Charcoal Cleansing Bar from Primally Pure >>
4.) My NEW Favorite DEO
I've been using natural deo for over decade, and let me tell you, it's trial and error for sure! Since I ran out of my Coconut Beautycounter Clean Deo - I've been using the Primally Pure Charcoal DEO and WOW, I'm super impressed! Try Primally Pure DEO here>>
5.) At home DIY recipe for PIT Detox
Maybe you ran out of your Beautycounter Charcoal Mask, or you aren't wanting to invest right now. You can easily make a PIT DETOX recipe at home with things from your cupboard! Check out this RECIPE from Simple Purposeful Living>>
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