5 Things I do to GET REFRESHED
I love a good winter hibernation! It’s so important to take breaks to rest, let go, and make space for creativity. Here are a few things I do during my winter break from classes…
1.) GET REFRESHED - Deep clean all the props! How many loads does it take to wash 22 blankets, 15 bolster covers, and 20 eye masks you ask? Six. And radiaotrs make great bolster cover dryers too! All things including mats, blocks and the class space have been refreshed and are ready for you! It's a great time of year to do some energy clearing of your spaces at home too.
2.) LEARN & GET INSPIRED - I relish open time to dive into deepening my knowledge of yoga philosophy, teaching methods, and therapuetics. Currently, I am inspired by Yin Yoga and its effects to not only release deep seated muscular tension, but impact the fascial tissues and emotional holding patterns in the body. You'll see some more YIN inspired poses in classes this winter!
3.) GET ON MY MAT - It's so important that a Yoga Teacher has their own practice and continues to be a student. My favorite go to is Yoga with Adriene on YouTube and Hips LIke Honey with Manuela Mitevova- you can find her on IG. I also try to make it to an in person class from one of my previous teachers so I can bring back fresh perspective, themes, and poses to you in New Ulm!
4.) GET CREATIVE - Alot of my creative juices are channeled into my small business through creating yoga sequences and workshops. It's a nice balance to engage in other meaningful forms of creativity and learn a new craft. It helps me connect with my background as a Mental Health Occupational Therapist by using hands on tasks to influence the state of my own well-being.
5.) GET DOWN TO BUSINESS - Alas, there comes the behind the scenes work that is involved with owning and running a small business. Every quarter I take time to get inspired, plan out content for newsletters, social media and class themes. I update my website and scheduleing app. And then of course do my book work for taxes. It's always better in a fun atmosphere and coffee in hand!
I hope you enjoyed seeing behind the scenes of a Yoga Teacher, and the mystery of why I take breaks from teaching is resolved! It's important to me to align with the seasonal changes of the earth, and honor those changes within me. I typically love a good 6-8 week mid winter refresh. I hunker down, practice the art of rest, do tons of meditation and everything listed above in a slow, slow pace. However with the lack of snow this year, following my flow of energy, and the many MANY requests to start classes sooner — here we are! As always, I'm so grateful for your support and love having this opportunity to serve you on and off the mat.